Saturday, November 26, 2011


Shopo - Where do i begin about this amazing amazing online store?!

So many awesome products.  I love the sarees from NVY's Studio...Are'nt they just beautiful?

Images Courtesy - Nivya Babu/NVY Studio

Which is your favorite?

Like NVY studio on Facebook and Buy from Shopo

PS - I am not being paid for this post. It is 100% my personal recommendation.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What to write ? what to ? what ?

As a start, let me share some of my favorite websites related to fashion. If you want to let me know about some interesting fashion blogger, what's stopping you? Hit the comments, I say!

Our own desi Fashion critics, what would we do without P&P? They showcase the best of the Indian fashion circuit

High Heel Confidential - Front Row, Tadka Lagake

Our destination Hollywood Red carpet site. Catherine is based in London though. My day is not complete without reading or having a quick look at her posts.

Red Carpet Fashion Awards

Stay tuned for more!

The Welcome

Welcome to my blog! I started this blog to write down my opinions on anything and everything. My thoughts, my rants and what not. A let-out, a diary, a scrap book...
There is always light at the end of a tunnel. Hope and Love rule my world.